
January of 2012 I went to His Mansion Ministries to find healing from my broken past. What I found there wasn't only healing but I found my best friend! Jesus has been apart of my life for 6 years now but I never thought or imagined that my relationship with Him could ever feel real, intimate, or satisfying in every way. What I came to find was a man who is just like you and I. A man, who suffered, fought temptation, humiliated in front of all the world and mocked. I always new these things about Jesus but I still never grasped the fact that He literally understood the pain I felt. 

Being at His Mansion I was stripped away from all the worldly possessions that most of us would usually use to distract ourselves with for one reason or another, such as: Phones, IPods, computer, and TV. Everything that I would have normally wasted time with (yes, wasted time with) rather then building deep significant, meaningful relationships with those around me and spending time with God who ultimately was really the only one who could actually help me. You see because I had all these things I felt as if I had no time for God or really anyone around me. I was always so consumed by Facebook or texting my friends in other states, just to make sure they still cared about me. I manipulated the conversations and used people on account of my own insecurities. When I could have been using that time to grow the relationships with my family that were suffering on account of these worldly things. I know now how important relationships are and I appreciate them and cherish them far more then I could have ever imagined. 

I am so blessed for His Mansion and for the opportunity I had to go there and find healing. It not only gave me healing but also offered me a second chance at life. It gave me my sense of worth back and helped me find my value and purpose in Christ, not the world. It’s helped me become more confident in who I am as a child of God and has given me a purpose to live again!

One week from today I'll be heading back to His Mansion, serving on staff there for the next year. I want God to grow me in many more ways and shape me more into the mighty worrier He envisioned me to become. I am excited and nervous all at the same time but eagerly anticipating this new adventure I get to embark on with our Lord.

The book of 2 Corinthians has been brought to my attention on many occasions since I got home in January and I see it as Gods way of reminding me that in my own strength I cannot go back to His Mansion and make a difference in anyone’s life but, with Gods help and His guidance I know that He will use me as long as I rely on Him. I praise God that He has brought me through my past and has placed me in this role/ position that I am in now or will be in soon. 

If you or anyone you know is struggling with an addiction of any kind or depression between the ages of 18-35. I would highly encourage you to check out This place saved my life and the least I could do is pay it forward by spreading the word. 


If you or anyone you know is looking for ministry opportunities to serve, if you have a heart for hurting people, then I would encourage you to check out His Mansion Ministries as well. They offer internships for various amounts of time. His Mansion is always looking for Help from eager believers who want to be used by God. Again I would highly encourage you to check out there website. 

(Joy to You)

2 Corinthians 1:3-4
 "Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of ALL comfort, who comforts us in ALL our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves received from God."


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